Who we are
Net Wealth Nest LLC was founded by Jim LeBoeuf with the mission of closing the gap between individuals who possess a strong understanding of financial principles—typically the top 10% in wealth—and those who do not. We recognize that wealth accumulation does not define your inherent worth, which is why we intentionally refrain from using the term "net worth." Instead, we focus on the empowerment that financial literacy provides, enabling you to make informed choices that lay a foundation for stability and prosperity that can endure throughout your life and into future generations. By understanding the “game” that is being played to generate, grow and maintain wealth, Jim aims to help those that are in the negative or starting from zero to build that first big foundational milestone of $250,000 in net wealth.
Coming from a situation where Jim found himself in tens of thousands of dollars in debt, and owning nothing (and there for having no wealth built), he realized that ion he was going to provide a better future for himself and eventually his family, he needed to change something. While the basics seemed simple enough, i.e save money and spend less, he continued to struggle to actually do so month in and month out. It was that realization that nothing was really changing even though he “knew” some of the answers or knowledge to change.
Through reading, researching and grinding his way out, Jim has established himself and his family in a position where they have garnered a solid amount of net worth, no longer live paycheck to paycheck, and have minimal debt. Armed with the knowledge of what he did, and at times how hard it was, Jim started looking into why we struggle to do what seems so basic; make money, spend less than we make, and then save and invest the rest so it grows.
Reflecting on other aspects of his life and his goals Jim realized every time he succeeded around a personal goal it almost always came down to having 3 ingredients: mindset on why he was unsuccessful before, knowledge on how to be successful, and actions he could do to obtain the goal. Within this he discovered that it was exponentially more powerful when you were cooled with like minded people with similar goals that held each other accountable.
This was the inspiration that started him down the road of what would become Net Wealth Nest LLC. He started by doing basic informational courses at his W-2 job with other co-workers. Eventually he connected and was able to do some courses with a local non-profit as well. With encouragement from his family and friends, he started Net Wealth Nest LLC., a company designed to provide basic financial education. What sets the company apart form others is the fact that it is based around that triangular approach of mindset, knowledge, and actions (all wrapped in some accountability), going against the grain of many other programs that just provide more knowledge. One of Jim’s favorite quotes from several of the entrepreneurs he has studied is, “If knowledge was the only key to success, everyone would have 6-pack abs and millions of dollars”. That quote reiterates that it takes more, and it takes a like-minded community to plant seeds and help grow net wealth.